Effective ingredients, based on scientific research

Our goals

Always natural 🌿 and sustainable 💚
We try to provide ourselves at the best quality / price ratio because we want our products to be accessible to everyone. We prioritize natural, local and vegan ingredients.

We want the best, always 🚀
Our product team continually research, source and combine new active ingredients. The formulas are updated with the latest innovations so that each order is better than the previous one!

🇪🇺 only EU-sourced ingredients

We always prioritize Italian products, or alternatively European ones. The result is a blend of formulas with high-quality ingredients, just like in human food and cosmetics.

We select for effectiveness, not for advertising 🥸

Our formulas provide dogs with the specific ingredients they actually need. Sometimes, this means a more efficient artificial element here or a simple natural element there. The magic lies in our unique combinations, not in a single star ingredient.

Trust the process: we guarantee you'll love the results.